What Side Didn’t Know Vol.2 – A2,C10. Tepid

The children have finished eating, and it’s curious that neither the queen, nor Lillia has come back after so long.  Either there wasn’t any danger, or they’ve already been eaten for sure. Getting the hume woman to help, all of the children are carried up the Gaia Tree steps.  Approaching the entrance, it appears to

A Tail’s Misfortune — Chapter Three: The Vulpes Realm

Sora passed several rooms as she caught up to the group; everyone had met at the entrance.  Large stone pillars were erect on either side of the massive doors, leading outside. When she left the warm sensation of the mountain to be embraced by the energizing sky, Sora couldn’t help but smile.  The surroundings were

What Side Didn’t Know Vol.2 – A2,C9. Unspeakables

The hume woman speaks up.  “So… how does that work…? For a woman to… ‘impregnate’ another woman…?” The queen is just blinking while staring straight ahead.  She may be stunned. The infants in her arms are snuggled up to her warm fur. Lillia is smiling, cuddling, and playing with the two dryadites.  Oblivious to the

What Side Didn’t Know Vol.2 – A2,C8. Little Surprises

“Dubhe, it’s time.”  Goddess! that was startling.  Lillia, that hibernator – or, was for the past week – is now suddenly standing in the doorway.  When did she get there? It’s good to see her awake and well.  Her state was worrying. “Welcome back to the world!  Wait, time?” “Oh!”  The hume girl helping stands

What Side Didn’t Know Vol.2 – A2,C7. Veiled Agreements

No one else might understand, but this dragonkin needs to sleep.  That’s the only way to ensure proper flavor. A conversation must be had to make it aware of its current predicament. There should be movement soon.  Waiting out here in this rain is not pleasant, to say the least.  And the queen is here

A Tail’s Misfortune — Chapter Two: Can We Get Along?

Sora moved to the red light, everyone but Kari followed.  The light took up the majority of the wall and looked almost solid.  Taking a deep breath she examined the light, looking deeper than what she currently saw; to her surprise, she found symbols.  They were similar to what she saw at her aunt’s shrine.

What Side Didn’t Know Vol.2 – A2,C6. Useful Thoughts

Begrudgingly, the queen’s daughter and husband both assisted in preparing our chambers for the incoming children. The gift of a slave was shocking at first, and it’s assured that husband will have some choice words to say… But the hume woman captured by the queen’s husband – despite her bruises and a day wasted calming