“Mika!” “Huh?” Who’s calling out my name? “Oo’ve been in thought so long, caravan’s a’most outta sight. Come’n, I’ll give ya ah back ride!” It’s Glen, the Arbitrator’s husband. He must have stayed back to wait for me. “Hah, no, it’s okay, I’m not that weak, and I need some exercise. Too much sitting on
I take a deep breath and smell the air around us. I can taste the sweet flavor of Gaia Tree fruit in the air, even though it’s still a ways away. The odor of sweaty bodies, as well. And then the smell of the fluffy bearfolk male I am riding to top it all off.
Author Note: Alright, I’ve decided I need some time to work out some things in my life. With my grandfather having issues with his gallbladder and taking a bit of time away to help him, it ended up causing me to have my work schedule flipped around, and I’ve been working a bit more because
“Huh?” What is he going on about now? Oh. I see. Erm, feel. There is a large number of people heading this way. “Pretty sure that’s the arbitrator. Pretty sure we’re in ‘trouble’ again. Well, we’ll have to move out soon. I’ll need you to help me with the children. This is an official request
“I’m sorry.” Ulg. He’s so sappy. He tackles me, then just lays there on top of me. Now he’s all mopey. What changed? “I don’t know how to deal with people. I just want you to be happy, but I keep upsetting you.” “Huh?” “You felt lost and like I was wasting your life, and
Sup everyone, Raizu is here with new chapter~ Enjoy~ Translator: Raizu TLC: Alex Editor: Shirayuki Chapter 132. Former Hero – Discovers [Now then, I’ll briefly explain the strategy!] I was standing there in our personal room at the palace in front of the members of bandit subjugation group, announcing the start of the meeting. Seven
Author Note: Alright, sorry for being so late. I haven’t even gotten past like 700 words in the next chapter for Patreon. My grandfather’s been sick all week; between my work schedule, I’ve been taking shifts with my uncle to help my grandparents. Last night we took him to the hospital after he collapsed on