Arc 1 – Lost Ch. 9 – Hiding The ceiling rumbled. Something attacked the cave from above. Somehow, that thing found a way to the cave that covered the library. Maybe tunnels that led to the ceiling existed? I couldn’t know that, nor if the layer of pointy rocks and gems would keep
“Oh jeez, darling, you a young’un? Not many can charm a Dryad. We may not be old, but even for us, that level of dense is silly. Be nice to her now. Your scaring the child.” Both Tristain and I reply together. ““Huh?”” The trader snickers. The Bearfolk puts a hand… erm…
Author’s Note: I had to rewrite this chapter because it was too violent. It’s definitely not young child safe, but it’s also a slight departure from how under-whelmingly violent things have been thus far. Please take note. “Wuuuahh!!!!” Tristain flails in my arms and scrambles to escape my grasp. Not wanting to let him
Yo, I’m here to tell you that I’m in the process of changing editors, therefore Ch. 9 will probably come out later this week. I’m deeply thankful for Shirayuki’s assistance through the past 8 chapters, helping me with grammatical errors and nuances, examining the rough chapters before I’d give them to you. I hope you understand
Greetings! I’m about to commission another image, specifically, the cover for the book, when it is published. To that end, I am looking for scene ideas, although I already have one: – Scene: “Gaia” tree (giant tree) surrounded by flowers, with a doorway hewn in the center, two main character pensively coming out.
School is in session, so per normal ebb and flow of time: Greetings! We have a few new original authors who are looking to publish, plus some who are already publishing. Both need an editor either due to time constraints on their existing editor need an editor to look over their new work.
“Huh?” I stared blankly. “Or did I getcha wrong? Is dat how ya eat one whole?” He pointed at Tristain, who was sleeping in my arms. I looked down at Tristain and smiled. “I wouldn’t eat Tristain, he is my precious food source, after all.” “Huh. Well, ya’ make me a momen’
We camped out well within eyesight of the front gates, but no one paid us any mind. We watched as people went outside and brought back game. The bears were the only dangers we had faced so far, but among the animals we had seen so far, there had been much more variety. There had