What Side Didn’t Know Vol.2 – A5,C5. Mild Days

I’m often reminded of the differences between the species at times like these. I’m hauling back trimmed logs, one in each hand.  The weight, probably several tons each. With my runes, it is quite the workout, but doable.  The bearfolk children are riding on said logs, having fun balancing. Occasionally, I rotate one, and most

Return of The Former Hero ch.138

Sup everyone, Raizu is here with new chapter~ New chapter of Takami no Kago should be ready soon/next week. Sorry for the long wait. Enjoy~ Translation: RaizuEditor: Shirayuki

A Tail’s Misfortune — Chapter Eighteen: Lost

Following the meeting with Mimi, Kari walked at the group’s tail, Olivia leading them.  Kari was operating on the last fumes of hatred she felt for her brother, the hope that he was alive so she could end his existence herself.  She did her best to silence the torrent inside by listening to their guide

What Side Didn’t Know Vol.2 – A5,C4. Behave

The trees thinned out as we came closer to the continental ice pillar. “And here we are.”  The convict declared. “Huh.”  As the trees disappeared, the winds picked up.  Also, the ground was warm. Seems like, if we could break the wind, it would probably be warm enough to grow food.  It was only cold

What Side Didn’t Know Vol.2 – A5,C3. Eerie

For the last few days, the convict has been telling me our days traveling will soon be coming to an end.  It definitely has been getting colder. This must be like Earth, where the north and south poles are icy deserts. Instead of riding in the cart, nearly everyone is riding on Otsu’s back.  Poor