“Why did you save me? You, of all people.” Turning a deaf ear to my question, the man keeps gazing the night sky in silence. Despite all the injuries he bears, his face is calm as he carries the air as if they were superficial. As though the fierce battle just minutes ago was a
Matt picked her up and as they sat in the lounge with Anna clinging desperately to Matt he told her in a calm and even tone, the events of yesterday. Even the part about trying to bargain with aliens about not being anal-probed. She smiled at the funny parts and asked a lot of questions
It must be several hours later now, but I can’t be sure, I don’t have a watch. To be honest, aside from the rush with our current circumstances, time seems pretty arbitrary in this world. The sunlight feels like it is high noon. I find it hard to gauge though, because I can’t identify
Here is a special Mabbo Edition! If you wish to join us as a translator, do join us! We accept new new novels and provide editors for you~ IF you have a Original Novel that you wish to post here, do join our discord group and find out more!
Anna awoke the next morning feeling deeply contented, and with a smile on her face like she was some outrageously lucky winner she recalled with a blush the previous nights activities. Scott had never touched her quite like that, was love the reason why the sex last night had been so good? She knew without
Within a few minutes Matt reached the forward airlock, after the air cycled through the hatch slid open and Matt stepped outside the ship. He wondered how he was going to navigate his way to the end of the tunnel when Sam’s voice sounded like it was right beside him. Matt whipped his head back
According to the bearfolk woman, her people, specifically the males, can generate quite strong defensive barriers. I snorted a bit when I heard that. Mika and I had, after all, killed about twenty bears by now. “We understand your small minded thinking. Bearfolk are a very proud race. It wouldn’t sit well with our
Author’s Note: So it’s been a long old time since I’ve posted an update. There is a single reason for this. I was evicted from my just over 2 months ago and have been crashing on couches with limited to no internet until now. I have another job, albeit one that I really don’t like
“Well, now, hold on darling.” The bearfolk woman recovered quickly. “We can do something about that, erm… Probably.” She didn’t sound too convincing, but to be honest, I was hungry. “Tristain, I’m hungry.” I notified him. “Hmmm…” He looked at me. I couldn’t place what that look meant, except that he was