A Tail’s Misfortune — Chapter Ten: Surprise

Sora found Eric’s scent as she moved through the halls, Fen lazily following her.  I missed him by about ten minutes. “Why are we tracking a wolf’s trail?  We’re foxes,” Fen sniffed, “we don’t chase wolves.” Ignoring her, Sora followed the scent attached to Eric as the trail diverted.  Backtracking Eric’s path, she followed it

A Tail’s Misfortune — Chapter Nine: Getting Out Of Hand

Gerard leaned back in his chair; he closed his eyes for a moment, sighing as the speaker activated.  “Sir, I just finished giving Senator Brickly the tour. We will be in shortly, and he seems to have a monster bodyguard.”  Betty informed. Stretching out his back, he yawned before rubbing his eyes.  Connecting to Betty’s

A Tail’s Misfortune — Chapter Eight: Struggle

Darkness spread around Aiden as he sat on a hard bed in a ten by ten space.  No one had come to see him since waking, and no sound could be heard. He was left alone to struggle with his conscience.  He welcomed the silence. I’m useless.  When did I start thinking Eric would change—that

A Tail’s Misfortune — Chapter Seven: The Calm Before…

Sora’s body was lax; she didn’t know what to do.  She’d barely gotten to use her new abilities, and now they were restricted.  It felt so infuriating, and now both Wendy and her dad were hostages again. She was more caged than she’d ever been with Kari.  A depression sunk into her heart. Why is

A Tail’s Misfortune — Chapter Six: Glimmer of Hope

Fen puffed out her cheeks as she sunk into the purple velvet sofa she rested in.  Growling with frustration, she glared at Jian next to her. He sat comfortably in a large armchair, examining some book their captors had provided; his blue eyes casually scanned its contents, occasionally flipping between select pages to reference whatever

What Side Didn’t Know Vol.2 – A1,C10. Assumptions

After waiting for a while, I also exit the room.  Our chambers are located on the lowest level of the Gaia tree.  This must be in the roots, about a thousand or so feet down from ground level.  Actually, it’s more like a straight hollow pillar down. Do these trees even have roots?   Looking

A Tail’s Misfortune — Chapter Five: Fascination

Leaving Sora, Diane smirked.  Walking past the guard and into the hallway, she ignored shy greetings from several researchers as she continued her way to the maximum detention area.  Her mind was a flurry of thought, internally debating several different anomalies. First the group of monsters in Tennessee and now this gigantic capture in Miami;

A Tail’s Misfortune — Chapter Four: Questioned Existence

Sora’s breathing was strained as her energy drained out of her.  Sora was blinded to the woman’s actions with the mirror blackened, but at least she could speak.  Working herself up, she asked, “What—did you do to me?” Her dry throat seemed to deepen as she tried pushing her influence through her words, feeling no

What Side Didn’t Know Vol.2 – A1,C9. Reflections

I stand silently for a while, thinking.   I feel a bit conflicted.   On the one side, I’m happy.  Very happy. This is the first time since I’ve been reincarnated that someone has said such heartfelt words to me.  She loves me. This is something that I’ve wished for even in my past life.

A Tail’s Misfortune — Chapter Three: Deemed of Interest

Blurred sounds filtered into Sora’s ears as her consciousness returned.  Most noises blended in a myriad of unrecognizable sentences; however, a few words managed to jog some similarities in her memory.  She recognized that there were voices, but they were drowned out by her jumbled brain. Replenishing energy was seeping into her; it was stronger