Sora’s vision focused on a gray-furred Vulpes as she nodded rigidly. Olivia’s voice was soft spoken. “If—that’s what you’ve decided.” Her white dress was fitted but showed a few rips that had repair work done and there were three blue stripes on her sleeves. Mimi’s yellow irises locked on Sora. “I will have Olivia guide
“Huh?” Why does he look he’s watching something tiresome? What’s with that lackluster response? … Dangit. It’s recovery time, I must sell this now! I’ve made a mistake, but I can’t back out! “W-well, you seem unhappy with your married life…” “Yes… That’s true…” “S-so, I’ll do whatever you want… as your wife…” It’s better
“You did.” Oh, that bearfolk, Dubhe was it? She sounds like she’s getting upset. She has such a murderous stare. You hume better run~. “Huh?” “You passed my seed to Dubhe.” The dryad gently holds her belly while sporting a happy smile. A Dryad’s seed…? How did he pass the seed from one to the
Sora took a deep breath as they entered the town. There were quite a few humans and Vulpes hauling carts of fruit, grain, and vegetables down the streets and empty carts moving the opposite direction. Sora recognized wheat, onions, carrots, tomatoes, and pears, but there were quite a few she didn’t have the vaguest idea
Whew, so sleepy. The impending dusk isn’t helping… I really don’t want to be awake right now. I’d rather still be resting. There is an interesting glow coming from the entrance to the Gaia Tree. It must be that hume these little folk keep calling ‘husband.’ Since he is to determine my fate, it can’t
I’m terribly sorry for being so inactive for the last weeks despite what I have said before. There are many reasons behind it, like constant power outage every 2 PM (the time I get home from campus) or entirely losing internet connection because I can’t pay the package. However, the fact that I haven’t uploaded
In the previous issue, we have explored how an infinity bag works. Although I still don’t exactly understand most of it, Mr. Zeno has shown me the big picture of what makes an infinity bag. It’s so complicated that I can’t wrap my head around it, but let me recap it a bit. Infinity bag
Hi All It is been a while, sadly there is no new chapter but here is the illustrations for volume 9 as we wait for the author to release a new chapter Hope you enjoy them