Mabbo, Schwarz13, Enjoy~ 37. Megane-kun, Genuinely Thinks it’s Messed up Afternoon on the sixth day. The atmosphere inside the carriage isn’t as bad anymore, perhaps since it’s been six days since we practically lived together. Both Chace, the hoodlum, and Florentine, the boss’ daughter, understand that they’re only digging their grave if they don’t cooperate
POV: 1. Sora Moore (Our Vulpes Founder with a new daughter to protect) Recap: Sora has basically taken over the Vulpes Realm, not that she wants to, but feels like her hand is forced because of Niomie’s actions. She goes to some hidden library with Hallaway’s help to learn how to deal with Loral. However,
Later that afternoon, Cornelius, Lau, Katsys and I arrived at Yakuman Castle, where a surprised Lady Kaguya and her two guardians greeted us in the audience room. Ludmila and the younger ones wanted to come along also, but we promised that we’d return the next day. Frankly, I was still a bit worried about the
Cornelius cautiously scrutinized every gesture that the Chancellor made. She could not let her guard down against someone as perceptive as him. He had been the one that had unveiled her disguise, one that had nearly everyone in the country fooled. Furthermore, he had been told that the Chancellor had the capability of using mind
Mabbo, Yakult, Enjoy~ 36. Megane-kun, on His Fourth Night 「About halfway there」 Apparently even the worst carriage trip ever has a turning point. The coachman who’s affiliated with the assassins… he doesn’t disclose his name, saying 「I don’t talk about my profession」 as his reason, though he does tell us about the distance of the
-One week ago- King Oswald sat on his throne, a half-drunken goblet of wine in his hand. Ever since he had ascended the throne, he found himself reaching for alcohol as a solution to his ongoing issues. Like many newly-crowned kings, the thoughts of his position in respect to his people weighed heavily upon his
-Ten years ago- A man and woman of nobility were arguing in their bedroom. Victor and Amelia von Reichenstein, Earl and Countess of their domain, had been at odds with a decision made long ago. “You cannot possibly think that this charade can continue as long as you desire! ‘He’ is starting to become of
Mabbo, Eme, Enjoy~ 35. Megane-kun, Sways In the Carriage The horse carriage is swaying. Enveloped in heavy silence, the carriage continues to rock. To be very honest, it’s uncomfortable. Since we are going to spend seven to ten days sharing the same carriage, it would be normal to consider opening up a little to each
POV: 1. Sora Moore (Our Vulpes Founder with a new daughter to protect) 2. Loral at the end (the mysterious councilwoman of the past) Recap: Sora incited sedition among the council members, turning the younger members against the Phebe, Niomie, and Hallaway, with Tola leading the charge; they seal their powers after discovering how much