As expected, the villagers were discontent with a stranger being brought in, even if he was unarmed and unconscious. But one look from Master Claude turned those glares into bows of respect. The people had chosen their leader, and all it took was a single gesture to assure them that he had a plan in
The forest was no longer quiet as invaders stepped through its lands. A team of modern-dressed men, equipped with rifles and gadgets, waded through the wintry woods to get the drop on their prey. The tactical gear that read heat signatures allowed them to keep track of those around them and any new signals to
The air was crisp with a light sting on the bare cheeks of a young girl. Shallow puffs of white that escaped her shielded lips kept them from being as cold as the winter chill. Sharp, blue eyes scoured the area, unbothered by the light dusting of snow upon her lashes. These were the only
Before I could react, a surge of power coursed through me. It felt distinct, familiar even. Both white and purple mana flooded into my core, like it had when I absorbed a God last time. And during that whole time, my wide eyes yelled out, “Why! Why!” Eryn finally pulled away, her form becoming a
An entire history, condensed into a small story told before me – I couldn’t help but falter as I tried to understand all of its details. I stared at the Origin Goddess, who used to be a simple otherworlder named Sistina. After she was betrayed by the other Claude that ‘I was oh so familiar
The core of a hero. The energies that it gathered from growing stronger was taken from the planet itself. The heroes knew that by stealing it away, the planet that they were meant to protect would be compromised. But that didn’t matter to Claude the Architect. In fact, that had been part of his entire
‘I should have known,’ Sistina regretted. Claude’s plans were well thought out and had a high chance of success. But one of the problems was recognizing what drove him to begin with. He operated in the background at times, much like he did on Earth. That low visibility meant that no one had guessed his
God built the world in seven days. But how long did it take for it to be destroyed? The answer was, “Not very long at all.” By the time word spread to the rest of the otherworlders and they returned, everyone was staring up at a planet that was no longer blue. Thick blankets of
‘Architect Claude.’ It did not take long for people to start calling him that. Sistina could clearly see it from his actions. He was a thinker and a planner. Hearing of the troubles of this world’s people, Claude went right to work addressing them. Unlike her, he seemed willing to do anything. When given the
The young lady named Sistina fidgeted listlessly as she sat upon a fancy throne. It had been crafted solely for her purpose. And as the magicians lined up before her, she felt all the more uncertain. She was never the type of person that craved attention, so such a scene only served to make her