Category: kumo desu ga

Kumo desu ga, Nani ka? Blood 29

Can we get past page 1 of the book? It might be a serious challenge for some… For what it’s worth, I’m now 10 chapters behind the current raws. However, I’ll be away most of next week and won’t be translating anything until I’m back. I should be able to get the next two chapters

Kumo desu ga, Nani ka? Blood 27

Back to the “Blood” series, or rather alternating between “Blood” and “Oni”. Hello, I’m Sophia Keren and I have a (blood) drinking problem. Blood 27 – Blood of a demon

Kumo desu ga, Nani ka? 255

Surprise! A double release today. Don’t expect this to happen very often though – like, maybe never again. More fun with a spider and a little lost lamb oni. 255 – Three sentences is my limit!