Tag: original

My attack stat… – V1 Chap 11 – A Pact Sealed with Ice

Over the course of our meal, Eryn went back and forth between complaining about her ‘duties’ and enquiring what I did for the rest of the day. She had questioned me about the board and where I had obtained it. I had to quickly justify my purchase as she started eyeing it with a fireball

A Tail’s Misfortune — Chapter Fifty-One: Shadow

POV Change:  Sora’s POV Recap:  Mary realized that they’ve been making a ton of mistakes and that the new guest knows about Emilia, an eight tailed Vulpes that shouldn’t be there, is in the town.  Sora is struggling to overcome the internal distress she’s experiencing from the spiritual worm. Sora gripped her right arm, ears pressed back

A Tail’s Misfortune — Chapter Fifty: Cause And Effect

POV Change:  Mary’s POV (Psychiatrist; Counselled Sora for a year) Recap:  Sora is being attacked by the spiritual worm.  Emilia is having teenage issues and fainted after seeing her mother dying.  Mary now takes the stage. Note:At least the next four chapters will be from Sora’s POV as events move onto where things have been leading. 

My attack stat… – V1 Chap 10 – A Board to Solve Boredom

After Eryn and I arrived home from our job, we discovered a burly looking man in our living room dressed in neat clothes. Seeing the man, Eryn froze and turned to walk the other way. “Eryn, I know you’re there. No point in running away.” Eryn looked like she wanted to hide at that moment,

My attack stat… – V1 Chap 9 – Boars with a Dash of Garlic (2)

Although the boar subjugation job had been completed on paper, there was still plenty of work to be done in order to clean up the aftermath. Eryn had immediately sent a messenger to her uncle in the capital to arrange for transport of the boar carcasses, along with sending word to potential buyers. While most

My attack stat… – V1 Chap 8 – Boars with a Dash of Garlic

We began traveling to the town of Belmont which would take until late in the afternoon. During the ride, Eryn explained the details of the job. Every year around the late summer season, the population of boars became plentiful around the forests of Belmont. As the numbers grew, so did the foraging area of the

A Tail’s Misfortune — Chapter Forty-Nine: Shattered Image

Change In POV:  Emilia (Sora’s Daughter; Former Guardian of the Red Gate; Intelligence Scrubbed) Your first look into the mind of Sora’s daughter (even though she’s over seven hundred years old spiritually … she’s now got the mind of a teenager and even less experiences). Emilia sighed as she leaned back against the couch, pulling her

A Tail’s Misfortune — Chapter Forty-Eight: The Worm

Change In POV:  Sora Sora strolled with the children running around, laughing as they explored the edges of the road.  Brandon had been hesitant, but Ashley assured him that there weren’t any predators; so, they’d let the kids down to lead the way at their own pace. Gurakuqi wore an amused smile as she watched

My attack stat… – V1 Chap 7 – A New Tool for Claude

After the discovery that I could, in fact, slay monsters, Eryn and I were eager to continue taking more requests in order to further our understanding of each other’s capabilities. They were all requests that took us not far from the capital and composed of simple monster subjugation, in which we would bring back parts