It took ten minutes to walk to the hotel. Sora okayed her two acquaintances with security and they made it to the main lobby, Eyia eyeing the guards. Both Jin and Eyia talked in Asgardian as they entered the hotel. They sounded impressed, examining the three leveled lobby and grand architecture. The tenants called the
Sora made it to lunch without incident and walked to the meeting spot. She wasn’t surprised to find the two leaning against some trees by the sidewalk. Jin observed the cars around the parking lot with interest as a few students went out for lunch. “Do you have a machine like these? I heard
A group of students were already gathered near the back of the classroom. Finding a gap between the throng, Sora felt the unnatural ease within her fade. Her vision shifted between the mangled visage of a desk, damaged tile floor, and a small section of the brick wall that had been ripped away. More desks
Sora’s mind jolted awake as fire crept up her chest, her heart pulsating with every muscle fiber, yet she was paralyzed. Her nails were being torn apart, the skin underneath lacerated with paper thin blades. Her joints twisted within her body as bones compressed into powder. Spikes drilled into her skull all along her scalp.
Sora made it to the corner store without issue, dodging Howie’s eyes on the elevator. The two-story building was spackled white and locally owned. It was the closest market to the hotel, so she visited it regularly. She caught her image in the large windows as she moved toward the front door with a grimace.
Returning to her senses, Sora shivered slightly as she walked to her locker. She’d just stocked it today. She had extra clothes, shower supplies, and towels inside. Wendy was trying not to make eye contact with her as she cleaned up what remained of Sora’s clothes and school supplies. Opening her locker, Sora’s hands hovered
Sora rubbed her left shoulder nervously as she stood before Miami Beach Senior High’s psychologist’s office. Doctor Mary Jernigan borrowed the office to meet with Sora during school days since the time suited Mary’s schedule. Taking a deep breath, Sora knocked on the door. “Come in,” Mary responded. Sora entered. The office was cozy, with