Well, I did say whatever she decided, didn’t I? Already regretting my words from before, I was currently moving around the slums verifying the locations of the intoxicated residents I encountered previously. In parallel, I was mentally drawing up an escape path through the district that would lead me back to the warehouse. Grasping the
The slums had been normal just two weeks ago. All of a sudden, signs of people growing delirious or getting sick started appearing out of nowhere. Since no one could figure out the cause, it spread until the entire area had been hit by it, almost like a disease. However, it did not spread to
The port town of Gibraltar – dotting the only stretch of ocean that belonged to the Kingdom of Sistina, this bustling hub of commerce was home to all of the seafaring trade. Even as Eryn and I arrived late in the evening, there was non-stop activity throughout the town. Sailors heaving cargo, men barking out
CLASHHH! A heavy sword strike was intercepted by a small knife. At a glance, one might wonder why someone would be attacking a chef in the middle of the woods, especially one armed only with a simple chef knife. The man in question was furiously trying to land a deadly blow as the chef calmly
Luckily, it appeared that Cornelius had some free time on his hands. In this world, the easiest way to contact someone within the city was to use a Magic Homing Pigeon. This was a magic tool that created a bird out of mana that could carry a small message to the recipient. The tool scanned
Only after I had arrived in this world did I start looking back at my old life with a hint of regret. The times that I had taken for granted and the indifference I felt towards my parents made me want to go back in time and slap myself. To them, having me experience their
With the tournament in full swing, the competitors were quickly whittled down through 1-on-1 matches. Eryn herself was already on her third opponent, having quickly downed the first two challengers with only a single blow. Her current opponent was a grizzly looking man with claw-like weapons. He was apparently a visiting adventurer who just happened
After returning home, we found Eryn’s uncle waiting for her yet again. I took off my scarf and waved ‘bon voyage’ to her as she was dragged away. Since we had left immediately after coming back last time, the pile of work in store for her was even bigger than normal. “Claude, you traitor! Come
Elsewhere in the mines, a band of men were in the midst of cleaning up their gear and removing all traces of them ever being there. A particularly large man with an eyepatch walked around hurrying others along. This man was Zeick, who was currently the boss of this ragtag group of thieves. A few
Resting just beyond the edge of lands owned by Madiswil and Grendhoven nobility, the mining town of Adele was a contested location that had sprung up in recent months due to a newly discovered vein of magic stones. Magic power coursed through the earth in the form of veins, converting the exposed ore over time