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My attack stat… – V2 Chap 32 – One Wintry Day (1)

“Hey there, Demon Cleaver!” A random passerby called out to me. I involuntarily flinched at the name that had become so well known to the people of the capital. Weeks had gone by since the demon incident. While I didn’t mind the recognition, I had seriously hoped that it wouldn’t be attached to such a

My attack stat… – V1 Chap 30 – My Story

“Do I REALLY have to wear this stupid hat?” I grimaced as I stared in the mirror while putting it on. “Yes. It’s a formal event. You have to look like a proper servant of nobility,” Eryn replied for the fifth time already. I had been given a brand-new outfit, seeing as my previous one

My attack stat… – V1 Chap 29 – The Will to Press On

Over the majority of the battle, the front line of demonic beasts slowly crept forward as they were not only tough to kill but possessed nearly inexhaustible energy. In contrast, the kingdom of Sistina’s forces had to rest which caused them to retreat and give up ground periodically. As exhaustion set in, one looking at

My attack stat… – V1 Chap 28 – The Raging Battle

Even with the combined might of Sistina’s army and the magic knights, progress in containing the horde of demonic beasts was slow. While the demonic beasts had been tougher to defeat due to their increased stats over their normal forms, they were not individually weaker than the battle-hardened fighters and experienced mages present. However, taking

My attack stat… – V1 Chap 27 – The Destruction of Madiswil

Demons. No one knew how they came into existence. When one appeared, they would often signal their arrival with a purple column of light shooting into the heavens. Demons were an existence that invoked calamity, as the surroundings that came into contact with them often became contaminated with the stench of evil. The earth became

My attack stat… – V1 Chap 26 – Prelude to Calamity

A sullen, young man rode in the back of a carriage as it traveled away from the territory governed by the Madiswil family. His face was reminiscent of someone who had just lost everything. If you had been someone who had accompanied the young man just an hour before, then his current state would be

My attack stat… – V1 Chap 25 – What Goes Around, Comes Around

“Chef Evers has invited everyone here to a selection of cuisine that none have seen before! I have personally sampled and participated in the creation of this feast, so fear not! You have my guarantee that this event was executed with solely good intentions!” The blue-haired girl wearing glasses proclaimed her support in front of

My attack stat… – V1 Chap 24 – The Essential Spice

Though I was out of immediate danger, I still had to deliver the promise of a selection of cuisine that all worked well with nutmeg. With two guards accompanying me, I made my way to the Faulkner trading company to request for the ingredients I would need to make it happen. They had returned the

My attack stat… – V1 Chap 23 – All According to Keikaku

Starkenberg Madiswil was a very prideful man. Having been born with the name of a wealthy, ambitious noble family, Starkenberg’s wants were constantly catered to by his family’s servants, who were ordered to give him nothing but praise. When he discovered his latent ability for fire and earth magic, this only served to further strengthen